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      Calvary Independent Baptist Church was founded in the summer of 1977 when Pastor John B. Cartwright and his family moved from Lynchburg, Virginia back to their home area of Delaware County, PA. We believe that God’s purpose for man is to come to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive Him as personal Lord and Savior. We believe that Christ made this possible by dying on the cross for all men’s sins and then rising again from the dead to give eternal life through the power of His name.​ It is our desire to see every true believer in Jesus Christ become His disciple by growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Savior. The discipleship process includes: time alone each day in the word and in prayer; a vital relationship with the local church; and a commitment to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have yet to receive Him.

​It is our prayer that you will come to Christ in this way and begin your walk with Him today.

If we can be of assistance to you, please email us at

- Our Pastors -

Pastor Cartwright.webp

Pastor John B. Cartwright

Senior Pastor



Pastor Jonathan Hartkopf

Associate Pastor


- What We Believe -

     "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."  2 Timothy 3:16-17

The Bible, as the inspired and infallible Word of God, is the final authority of all that we believe concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind.

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