At Calvary Independent Baptist Church, our passion isÂ
To KNOW Christ and to Make Him KNOWN!

Every other TUESDAY, 6:30PM
Young Adult Fellowship
(high school grad & up)
We are studying 1 John! Contact Pastor Hartkopf for more info!

"How to Study The Bible"
Feb. 23
(Dr. John Cartwright, Jr.)
More Info Coming Soon!

'I Wanna Grow!'
Wed., 7pm
Our Kids ministry for kids ages 5-10
Contact Pastor Hartkopf for more info!

Due to icy road conditions, we will NOT be meeting in person tomorrow (Sunday, 2/9). However, we will be LIVESTREAMING a service at 10:30am
on our Facebook page. We encourage you to join in worshipping with us online at that time!
At Calvary Independent Baptist Church, we love God and we love people! Our multicultural church family is comprised of people of all ages & from many different walks of life. Whether you are searching for truth, have questions about God or the Bible, are a new believer in Jesus Christ, or are looking for a home church -- we invite you to visit us and see for yourself what God can do and is doing to change hearts and lives!

Van Ministry (contact us if you need a ride!)
Shepherd's Class (for mentally challenged)
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Children's Discipleship Ministry
Evangelism & Outreach
Special Events